Why declare, "I'm a #Humilitarian"?

There Are Millions of Us

Most Americans believe that tribalism and condescension have destroyed the effectiveness of our politics. They are right.

We Must Identify Each Other...

Declaring, “I am a #humilitarian,” enables those of us committed to changing politics through respectful discourse to identify and find each other.

... and So Become a Political Force

When enough of us all over the political spectrum have done so, we will be a political force.

Yes. I'm a #Humilitarian

…and I’d like to be connected to other humilitarians. (We respect each other's privacy.)

    just do this!

    1. DECLARE

    On your social media accounts, declare “I am a #humilitarian”.

    You can just type it, or take a picture of yourself with a written sign or even wearing a humilitarian T-shirt. Don’t forget to mention www.humilitarian.us!



    Download our humilitarian Facebook cover, Twitter cover, and profile pics.

    Use them on your social media accounts. Keep them there for the next few months to grow the movement!


    3. FOLLOW

    Follow Humilitarian on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram


    • Share

      Don’t forget to share this website with your friends and family.

    • Keep Declaring

      Just keep declaring, whenever the opportunity arises, that you are a Humilitarian.

    Twitter feed is not available at the moment.