When do Humilitarians call BS?

Upon discovering “humilitarian”, a large majority of people have understood it and love it: they see what it is, why it is, and why now is its time.

A few, however, have an ounce of hesitation, like this NFL agent, who wrote to me recently as follows.

“I have never been one to hold my tongue when it comes to someone doing something ‘bad.’ …

I am a firm believer that everyone has a right to think what they want, whether political, religious, etc… 

But I will say something if I totally do not agree with what’s being said…

My …

How Political Opinions Change


Philip Pärnamets,Jay Van Bavel 7-8 minutes

Our political opinions and attitudes are an important part of who we are and how we construct our identities. Hence, if I ask your opinion on health care, you will not only share it with me, but you will likely resist any of my attempts to persuade you of another point of view. Likewise, it would be odd for me to ask if you are sure that what you said actually was your opinion. If anything seems certain to us, it is our own attitudes. But what if this weren’t necessarily the case?…